Long Distance Friendships

    Hey y'all, welcome back to my blog. This week I want to take about something a bit different than I have been. It hit me today that I have two official weeks left in my college career, and that's it. In two weeks I will be walking across stage for graduation and honestly, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. 

    Something I think that has definitely been the most difficult for me when thinking about all the change to come has been within my friendships. In college, you make some of the most genuine and valuable friendships of your life--well at least I did. Authentic friendship is something that not many people truly get to encounter in their lives, but somehow I’ve truly had the privilege of it. 

      So, if you’re like me and dreading the idea of leaving some of your most valued friendships at the end of May, I've come up with a list of things to help you through the process. So, number one is acknowledging the fact that graduation is coming. One of the easiest things has been to just not think about the idea of leaving my friends, but processing this is so important to do ahead of time.

    Second, recognizing that you are in control where your friendship goes. Making these people in your life a priority even when you are not physically with them is your choice. Be intentional about making time for them--keeping up with their life, praying for them, calling them every few weeks or even when you just have a minute or two throughout your day. Make these people a priority, because they are! Keeping these friendships strong is ultimately our choice. 

    Lastly, recognize that things will change. We all go through different pha
ses in life, and we are all in different places with different circumstances. Through this, your friendships are going to change, but that's okay. Change doesn't have to be bad, and honestly can really make your friendships grow even stronger. 

    Authentic friendships can be hard to come by, so make them a priority and allow yourselves to grow through the change! 

Just some thoughts,



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