Take a Break

     Easter Sunday is right around the corner, and as we get nearer to the end of the Lenten season I find myself reflecting on my Lenten fast I’ve been doing for the past few weeks. Specifically I am thinking about my decision to give up all social media for 40 whole days. I wanted to talk about this. Why I did it, what I realized, etc. 

     I think sometimes we can get so wrapped up in social media without really even realizing it. It can have a type of control over us that has us consistently spending our time engulfed by the highlight reel of others, how many likes we get, comments, etc. I think I recognized the weight my social media had in my life and honestly didn’t really like it. So naturally I decided to fast from all social media for Lent.

     Honestly the first few days I found myself constantly going on my phone and to where I keep my social media apps. It honestly blew my mind the number of times I went on my phone to go on social media even though I had deleted all my apps. It showed the true weight that these platforms had in my life. However, as I continued through my fast I found it much easier to be present to the people around me without worrying about what was happening on my instagram or trying to take the perfect picture to post later. 

     I’ve found setting aside time to be apart with your phone and social media platforms can be so beneficial. It has helped me to be more present in the moments around me, and be less consumed by the standards of others on social media. I 100% recommend taking a social media break and just living life, you won’t regret it!

Just some thoughts,



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