
    Hi, and welcome back to my blog! Well, I am officially a third of the way through my last semester of college and it feels like I have pretty much hit a wall. Trying to find motivation for school when you've finally come so close to the end can be extremely difficult. However, being that fulfilling the roll of student is my, and many others' current vocation, to is virtuous to do so. That being said, I wanted to give a few tips for surviving with senioritis. 

    Number one, communicate with your professors. With the number of students and classes they have taught, I promise you are not the first to have all sense of motivation go down the drain. Obviously they will not simply give you a free pass, that would be a bit ridiculous, but I've found it is always beneficial to keep your professors in the loop about where you're at with your work load, exhaustion level, health etc. Believe it or not, the people teaching your classes actually really want to help you succeed. 

    Secondly, just don't procrastinate. I promise you, the minute you get behind on one assignment, you'll be behind on five. Try to stay on top of things as best as you can and allow yourself the time to get assignments done early. Then you won't have to worry about them later when plans with friends come up, because they definitely will. 

Lastly, be merciful with yourself. You have worked hard for the last four years, it is okay to need a break sometimes. Remember that your grades do not define you and sometimes it's okay to take an hour or two to simply take a step back and allow yourself some time to be present to the things and people around you. 
The last semester of college can be hard, believe me I know, but don't give up now!

Just some thoughts,



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