
    Influencers--societies newest celebrities. There are so many people throughout social media that have an abundance of followers as well as the ability to influence those followers however they choose. For companies and brands from all over the world social media influencers have become their newest advertisers and spokespersons. Influencers are growing in both popularity and in a sense even power. Therefore it is important to choose your influencers wisely. One of my favorite influencers to follow on social media would be Emily Wilson. 

    Emily Wilson is a Catholic speaker, author and musician. She uses her platforms on Instagram and YouTube to speak to the young catholic community, in particularly women. One of my favorite things about Emily and her platforms are the specific things she speaks about. Both on her Instagram and YouTube she shares about the inherent dignity of every human being, and gives practical dating advice to help both women and men truly love their significant other (both present and future) and themselves virtuously. Along with this she also shares practical advice on living a life of faith as a 
young person in our world today.

    While sharing such information, Emily always seems to do so with an abundance of authenticity on each of her platforms. Even when sharing advertisements for various companies, she continues to be very forward and vulnerable in why she does so--explaining that everyone has a job, and her's involves working with other companies. This honesty through every circumstance was one of the initial things which led me to subscribe to and follow Emily's platforms in the first place. When I originally found her profiles through a friend in high school, her encouragement in faith, virtue, and human dignity was honestly something quite intriguing and rare. Ultimately I think Emily is a beautiful witness to using one's platform in order to not only encourage others, but lead them to truth--something rarely offered in the society and current culture today.

So let's choose to follow influencers who share truth, beauty, and goodness. 

Just some thoughts,



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