Why are You Posting?

Hi, and welcome back to my blog! Something I have been thinking about a lot lately is that when in college, the number of new people you meet and connections you make grow immensely. In the first year you find yourself trying to find your place on campus and floating amongst different groups of people and making different connections. Through these connections, one truly begins to grow in their identity as an individual. 

On top of this, there are so many ways social media can influence our relationships and connections during this time as well. Throughout one's four years of college, the people that you encounter and connect with grow, both in person and on social media, often times one because of the other. Along with this you still hold the connections you made with friends from home, high school, and other activities. Because of this, when on social media it can be really difficult to not compare yourself to the people around you, especially when attempting to live a life of faith. Trying to be your authentic self while also seeing the highlight reels of all your classmates, friends from home, etc. all at the same time can be a bit overwhelming. What if what you are doing doesn't compare to your high school friends' new experiences or your aesthetic doesn't fit the "cool girl" instagram look? It is easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you have to project various versions of yourself to meet the standards of all the people following you. 

So, what to do about this? Well, check yourself. Ask, "Why am I posting this picture, or why am I using this particular caption?" Consider, "Who do I want to see these things, who are you trying to impress?" When navigating my own social media sometimes I find myself falling into the mindset that my posts have to please and relate to every person that follows me. Fortunately that's not the truth. Looking back at my last post on social media would be this picture of my boyfriend and I. Why did I post it? Well, honestly I just thought it was pretty darn cute and loved it. Was I super concerned about if people would think it was annoyingly cutesy and hate it? Absolutely. But what better way to get over the insecurities and worries that come with posting on social media than by calling them out? So that's what I did by captioning it, "some annoyingly cutesy pictures of Sean and I, you're welcome". In college it can be complicated when trying to find yourself as an individual but still trying to please those around you through social media. So check yourself. Why am I posting this? Does it bring me joy? Or is it to make a point to others? Who do I want to see it? Or do I care if anyone sees it at all? 

Moral of the story is, social media can push us to feel insecure and question ourselves. But don't let it. Check yourself so that you can be yourself! 

Just some thoughts, 



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