Get to Know Me!

 Hi, and welcome to my blog about living a life of faith in college--a bit of a foreign concept, I know. My name is Madison and I am here to share my journey of navigating how to center my friendships, relationship, education, and more around Christ in a world that tells you to do anything but that. However before I get into that, I want to tell you a bit about me. I am a lover of good coffee, all things involving chocolate, the color yellow, and all things good, true, and beautiful. I like to think I am a pretty simplistic person, yet at the same time, complex in the various roles I hold throughout each facet of my life--some of which include, friend, sister, girlfriend, student, bible study leader, and most importantly, daughter of the King. 

It is currently the second semester of my senior year, which means it is my last semester of college, period. I will be graduating with a bachelors degree in Psychology and a minor in Theology, and I am so excited. I was given the ability to combine two of my passions in studying these two subjects and it has been such a gift to learn about the human person in its entirety and all that each individual is made for. This world can be a bit crazy sometimes and as a result it can easily turn a blind eye to some fundamental truths of humanity. So in looking back on my last four years of college, this is what I want to talk about-- my experience of navigating who I am called to be as a human being in this generation and all the factors within it. 


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