Social Media Survival Guide

Hi and welcome back to my blog! This week I wanted to touch on one of the biggest problems on social media, bullying. I think in the past year especially this has become one of the most prevalent issues on social media. It can be extremely difficult to try to be yourself and share your thoughts and opinions in the midst of so much conflict, especially knowing the damage that can be done through shaming and bullying on social media. So I figured I would put together a bit of a social media survival guide, specifically for when in college and being exposed to so many different views and beliefs.

So first, remember the social and political environment currently present. Know which things are controversial at that time and educate yourself in order to have a greater understanding of these topics. Also, refrain from commenting on things that do not need your input, especially when you do not have full knowledge of the situation. 

Secondly, remember that behind every screen is a living person. Everyone on social media is seeking approval and community. Even if someone has different views, opinions, beliefs, or even just says something stupid, remember that we all have different backgrounds and reasoning for our thoughts. Along with this, remember that no one is perfect. If we crucified every person that ever made a mistake or said something stupid, we would wipe out the human race in a matter of minutes. 

Third, stay true to yourself. Post about the things that are important to you. But also remember, not everyone needs to know the ins and outs of your entire life. Social media should be a place to share your joys and experiences, but don't let it become the center of your identity. 

Lastly, and what I believe to be the most important, know when to take a break from it all. It can be really beneficial to take a step back from it all. Social media has such a firm grip on the world around us today, so it can be a great thing to truly allow yourself some time to be present in the moments around you. 

Just some thoughts!



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