What Do You Want to Be?

     Recently I've been thinking a lot about what the next step of my life is going to look like. We get this question all the time throughout our lives, and honestly I'm not sure we truly ever have an answer. Sometimes I think we put so much pressure on ourselves to know exactly who we are supposed to be and the role we are supposed to play in the world by the age of 20. But no matter where we are in life, we are always playing a role in our world.

    At every point in our lives we hold different roles in our communities, relationships, etc. all of which are building us into the person we ultimately grow to become. Throughout our whole life we are growing in qualities, abilities, and different gifts that we have in order to fulfill the vocation we are called to. Social media can be a place to foster this. With the continuously changing society and world around us, it can be difficult to find who you are in the midst of so many diverse views and beliefs. However, social media can be a place where you represent the things that you DO believe in. 

No matter what you grow up to be, a teacher, police officer, politician, stay at home mother, etc. you have the ability to impact and reach others through your social media. You have the ability to share your products, ideas, and information in general. Growing in your ability to use social media to illustrate what your job offers or lifestyle can not only positively impact you, but others as well. But this doesn't simply have to be once you have a job. We can reach vast numbers of people through social media and offer them everything that we are in this present moment. We all hold a valuable role and the ability to encounter other people. So why not share all that we are through social media as well as in our day to day life? 

Just some thoughts!



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